XXX Lesbian Anal Fetish with Roxy Raye
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Well hello there dearies, let me tell you about a video I've just come across on that thing they call the Internet. It's called XXX Lesbian Anal Fetish with Roxy Raye. Now let me try to remember all those key words I heard- anal, lesbian, dildo, gape...Oh my! Now where was I? Ah, yes. The video. It's quite interesting what those gals get up to these days. Roxy Raye and her friend seem to be enjoying some anal play with dildos and all sorts of bizarre gadgets. They even have some bondage and FISTING in there! Can you believe it? Worried I might have seen too much, I simply had to watch the whole thing to check if they are ok. But they surely seemed fine...even enjoying it! The butt play and anal fisting are giving me shivers just thinking about it. They even seem to like calling the shots, trying out their dominant "Lezdom" skills on each other! All in all, it's quite the freaky show. You young folks sure like to push the envelope huh? Now excuse me, I think I'm still feeling a bit flushed from watching all that anal sex and porn video business.